Year after year, when the time comes for a big birthday bash, I’m in the midst of a nervous breakdown. Why, you ask? It’s pretty straightforward, but just the thought of it brings me to tears: What to wear?!
Generally, I’m not one to think twice about what to wear. My daily routine is this: I just jump out of bed and into the shower; then I reach into my closet and pull out whatever my hand gets a good hold of first (form the intertwined mess of all my worldly possessions), and just go with it! Simple, isn’t it?
But the moment my birthday comes round the corner, gone are the days of careless (or carefree, rather) dressing, and I can’t make head of tail of my messy wardrobe. Now what’s the easiest way to tackle this looming problem of what to wear? - Select Citywalk.
It’s the answer to all my shopping woes, and has come to be my go-to shopping place in delhi. I’m sure every girl and boy would relate to that. With what seems like a million different brands with the best clothes all clustered together in one giant shopping mall, all it takes is a couple of hours, hopping from shop to shop, and you’ll undoubtedly find at least 830 things you wish you owned.
Whether it’s chic or classy, Rastafarian or casual, funky or sexy, cool or elegant… The plethora of best brands and stores at Select Citywalk has it all. So instead of jumping out of bed and into a messy cupboard, what I do is jump out of bed, into the car, and drive off to the mall. Despite the fact that I’ll be completely exhausted from trying on a billion different outfits, I’ll have massive smile plastered across my face; because I’d definitely find the perfect dress, shoes and accessories, from the perfect shopping place in delhi. But the contentment is somewhat short-lived… For then there’s the matter of actually planning the party. But who cares, I’ve got my outfit sorted out, I’m golden!