Friday, 22 August 2014

Mulling In Malls - The Mall Culture

Everybody I see around is looking for a vacation- parents, kids and students.They are tired, they are restless, and they are clearly aching for some healthy getaway in form of a vacation. But, blame it on the scores of work been thrust on their shoulders that they can’t plan one without jeopardizing their respective work/academic lives. It seems like an irreversible rut, right?

Definitely No.

Please greet yourself to the Malls in Delhi where shops with colorful displays, mannequins with ravishing attire, cafes, restaurants, movie halls, spas and salons lend a feel of a city under a roof. A few years ago, Malls were not such a sprawling phenomenon. Then, what made them click suddenly?
The mall culture is triggered by children and adolescents who continue to be a major chunk of the target market. Gone are the days when children, or even adults for that matter would visit street markets to quench their shopping spree; they now flock to malls instead.

Parents of little kids who often find themselves in a rut of work misery take their children to malls to spend time with them. Today, malls have reinvented themselves to cater to children’s fancies, as they are a major part of the target market. Kids play area is just an example of how malls have come up with lucrative deals to support both the audiences and themselves.

Kids Play zones in New Delhi, like Funky Orbit have given way to a new concept in the field of mall aesthetics. Not only do they serve the whims of children, but also give their parents the luxury to shop in peace. While the kids play games, their care takers can manage some shopping, or merely a stroll around.

Select City walk is one mall that doesn’t believe in consumerism but aims to provide a lofty experience for the kids. Apparently, it has managed to do so!

Monday, 11 August 2014

Look Good In Your Own Way

Instead of carrying forward to conventional looks, add-in a pinch of creativity to flaunt your way out. Cast a sunny semblance with some bright rainwear accessories and look as gorgeous as you perhaps feel.  Unlike earlier when there were hardly a few options, these days best brands in Delhi have a huge assortment of dresses to choose from. It’s not that difficult to get that perfect look, the only trick that has to be kept in mind is what colours and shades are you have chosen. It can only be accentuated with just the flawless shades and prints. Needless to make a mention of, the moment it comes to monsoons, bright colours strikes the mind.

 So whenever you check out Places to shop in Delhi, make sure that you pep up your look with not being a matching queen, opt for juxtaposition of shades to team up things differently, yet smartly. It’s true enough that at times teaming up shades with one other might turn out tricky, but yes, it is certainly not impossible.  Markets are flooded with a range of light and sober fabrics, patterns, shades and designs of monsoon attires. Choose wisely, indeed prior to shopping do a thorough research on what all would be good and then only go for it!

Last but not the least, instead of buying whatever others go for, prefer sticking to your own style statement as it would help you a lot and by the time you won’t feel comfortable in whatever you wear, you just can’t look good!

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Shopping for Perfumes

Perfumes are the most thoughtful purchase amongst all. You can manage to get away with the wrong shade of lipstick by mixing it with several others, but fragrance is something expensive. If it doesn’t suit you or irritates your skin or senses then all that money goes down the drain and you are forced to gift it to some distant cousin or a friend of friend. Buying the perfect fragrance to wear calls for some pondering, even from those who like to get away with their indecisiveness. In bare 15 minutes you have to pull out the right choice when your nose just stops cooperating and everything smells like a mixed-plantation garden.  

perfume shops in Delhi

So, here are a few tips to help you pick the ideal whiff at perfume shops in Delhi.

  • Go towards the end of the day to buy it. Perhaps a movie or some entertainment in saket would be good before you proceed to make a purchase. If you shop perfume first thing in the morning, the scent of your soap and cosmetics haven’t left you and you would get confused.
  •  Don’t wear a scent too strong on the shopping day.
  • Even if you are not very familiar with all the fragrances and their undertones, you should know a palpable classification, mild and hard. Even If you tell this to a salesman at a perfume shop in Delhi, it would help them tremendously to show you the perfect fragrance.
  •  Ask for coffee bees or some dispersant to smell in between two specimens.
  • If you have been allergic to any perfumes or deodorants in the past then chose only organic ones.
  • There are some lovely inexpensive fragrances and some gross expensive ones, so make sure you just don’t go by the pricing.
So, thses tips can help you buy the right fragranc for your body.    

Monday, 4 August 2014

Weekend Struck

If it is the fun and frolic of the weekend you miss when you wake up every morning during any given day of the week? Do you suffer from Monday Blues? “YES”. It is critical, you are definitely WEEKEND STRUCK!

“What actually is wrong in being struck by a weekend after all?” Well absolutely nothing or may be something when you plan a lot and end up being in a same restaurant or at a friend’s place or in your bed over and over again.

I am familiar with the type, they are omnipresent, my neighbor for that matter are atypical to this “ high planning”  . Hailing from Delhi, they end up being in the same places of entertainment in Saket without even realizing what a waste to the weekends it is. Stroll down different places, if fragrances it is which interests you, delve into hunting perfume shops in Delhi. You have options and all the time in the world to indulge yourself in your hobbies and interests.

Addressing my neighbors essentially for the kind above mentioned, I wondered why is it that despite of plethora of alternatives and spots for entertainment in Saket, they never really could execute any of their master plans. It was much later that I realized the answer to my “why” is as simple as standing at the threshold of your favorite perfume shops in Delhi and watching your DTC pass by, and you pick the latter and catch the bus to your home. All I want to tell you by this is, let nothing pull your spirits down, not even the availability of thousands of choices you can make, albeit an irony it is. Weekends need to be exclusive, and this is the secret to a well spent weekend. It is that time of the week when you have yourself at the kernel of the world, rejuvenate and relish in your leisure.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Invest In Life Style And Luxury Services

Are you planning to open up a business or invest in one? Putting your worth of assets and efforts in retail sector, and particularly outlets in malls can be an ideal choice. Better location, sophisticated surrounds and upscale ambience are add-ons, which are not even taxed on your pockets. While high street standalone units can be ridiculously pricey, these can be leased on simpler terms. Provision of strata title is also popular.

Any Delhi shopping mall is way better than conventional shops due to multiple reasons. Besides aforementioned, you enjoy unlimited exposure not only of customers who fall in the category of your target audience but many more who can be an indirect client. So, there are quite a few benefits and little harm.

In fact, lifestyle sector is all the more lucrative. Starting up a business in luxury services at a Delhi shopping mall is all the more like icing on the cake. Fashion brands and retailing goods sees higher competition. There is a specific loyal following when it comes to these products and creating your own may need some time. Plus, there is an emotional factor also attached with it. 
Actually people tend to spend more on lifestyle services as it triggers the ‘feel good’ factor. You would barely shop worth Rs. 5000 every time you visit a mall, but sparing that in a salon or in the food court in Delhi while treating a group of friends is common. Spa centres, gyms, salons, tour planners, and restaurants: these are the most revenue generating ventures for mall owners.
Food especially is a powerful driving factor. For 30% visitors, it is the sole reason that drove them towards a mall and they ended up being engaged in other services.

So, launching a business at a lush shopping mall in one of these genres is a good option.